Έχω την ίδια οπτική και συγχαίρω τον συγγραφέα του άρθρου. Απλά με τρομάζει ο μακρύς χρόνος της διαδικασίας ανακατάταξης και ανάκαμψης και πιστεύω ότι θα διευκόλυνε η ακτιβίστικη δράση για την επιτάχυνση της απαλλαγής της χώρας από το σημερινό πολιτικό προσωπικό.
Αποδεικνύεται ότι ο Κος Παπανδρέου περιφερόμενος ανά την Ευρώπη μαχόμενος ως άλλος Δον Κιχώτης τους ανεμόμυλους των ''κερδοσκόπων'' στις διάφορες θεατρικές Ευρωπαικές συνόδους δεν πέτυχε τίποτε.
Αν μάλιστα μιλούσε λιγότερο και έμενε στην Ελλάδα να φροντίσει και συντονίσει την Κυβέρνηση του πιθανότατα τα spreads να είχαν σήμερα υποχωρήσει, διότι οι αγορές δεν ξεγελιόνται από τις θεατρινίστικες δηλώσεις των πολιτικών. Οι δηλώσεις είναι για τους δύστυχους Λαούς-θύματα και υποχείρια των επιστημονικά κατευθυνόμενων ΜΜΕ.
Μήπως όμως κάποιοι κερδίζουν από την άνοδο των spreads ?
Έλληνες παραμερείστε την πολιτική σαπίλα!
Αυτή η Βουλή μας οδηγεί στο μαρτύριο της παρατεταμένης σήψης και μαρτυρικού θάνατου της πατρίδας. Φταίνε δήθεν οι κερδοσκόποι λένε. Μα και άγιες να ήσαν οι αγορές πως να δανείζουν ένα πολιτικό σύστημα που συντηρεί οργανισμούς τύπου ΟΣΕ με ημερήσια ''ζημία'' δηλαδή κλοπή 3 εκατομμυρίων ευρό την ημέρα ? Νοσοκομεία που ακόμη και σήμερα συνεχίζουν να ληστεύουν τα Δημόσια ταμεία αγοράζοντας υλικά και φάρμακα σε τιμές πενταπλάσιες των διεθνών ? Και όλα αυτά με την πολιτική κάλυψη του ''δημοφιλούς'' Προέδρου Παπούλια, συνεχίζουν αμετανόητοι την καταλήστευση του Δημόσιου. Δημιουργούν πραιτωριανούς της Βουλής ανερυθρίαστοι. Κατάντησαν την Βουλή Βαστίλη της Δημοκρατίας !
Είναι εγκληματίες, δολοφονούν το ¨Εθνος. Ανατροπή τώρα! Συντακτική εθνοσυνέλευση, δίκη και καταδίκη των σημερινών πολιτικών της Βουλής και άλλων υπόλογων του Δημόσιου τομέα με προσωρινή άρση απαγόρευσης θανατικής ποινής. Στην συνέχεια εκλογές με απλή αναλογική !
Να ενθαρρύνομε κίνημα της παραγωγικής τάξης, δηλαδή των ανθρώπων που παράγουν και βλέπουν την δυνατότητα τους να μένει στα αζήτητα: εργάτες, επιστήμονες, γεωργούς, βιοτέχνες, βιομήχανους, επαγγελματίες, υπάλληλους σε παραγωγικές δραστηριότητς του δημόσιου τομέα, ιερείς με πραγματική κοινωνική προσφορά, αναστέλλοντας τους διαχωρισμούς σε αριστερούς και δεξιούς.
Σύνθημα να είναι: ή αυτοί (του βολέματος) ή εμείς (της παραγωγής), δεν πάει άλλο.
Έλληνες αντισταθείτε, γκρεμίστε το τέρας του ανεπρόποκοπου Δημόσιου τομέα και των παπάδων που μας πνίγουν.
Ή αυτοί ή εμείς, η παραγωγική τάξη !
Εγκαθίδρυση Δημοκρατίας = Θεσμοποίηση της Κοινωνίας
Δεν ευθύνομαι και δεν πληρώνω την κρίση τους. Να πληρώσουν οι πολιτικοί που την δημιούργησαν
Δυνάμεις της Κοινωνίας
Παράλληλα, οικολογικά θέματα όπως η χρήση πράσινων πηγών ενέργειας, περιβαλλοντικά συστήματα αναγέννησης εδαφών με τεχνολογίες Ενεργών Μικροοργανισμών ΕΜ, η απεξάρτηση από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα και γενικά η ανάπτυξη με σεβασμό στο περιβάλλον, το σπίτι μας ΓΗ.
6 Μαρτίου 2010
Πόσο θα κρατήσει η ύφεση ? (σχόλιο μου στο άρθρο του Δρα Μ. Μελετόπουλου)
Open Letter to Bild Newspaper
BILD Redaktion, Berlin, Germany
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your open letter to the Prime Minister George Papandreou kindly ask you to consider my following remarks:
You are unfortunately right but fortunately not for all Greek people. At least 70% of the Greek people are not like this. They are good workers and they produce or could produce if they had the right working environment. Just look to the millions of Greeks working in Germany and other foreign countries all over the world. They are loyal and good workers and never formed any mafia like for example the Sicilians. I am personally producing machines for the aluminium finishing industry and have exported such machines even to Germany (Wuppertal). Unfortunately I am working in a very difficult environment suffering from a public administration-monster.
In 1990 there was a hidden coup d' etat in Greece when SIEMENS has ''arranged'' so the 3 political leaders supporting the Zolotas ecumenical government, choose the Siemens digital phone connections despite and against the Parliament voted decisions: a euro billions project.
Some time later, during the ND party Mr Mitsotakis government, Siemens bribed the PASOK opposition too, who has been able so to get the elections in 1993. By the way, the Mitsotakis family are all great friends of Mr Christoforakos, the Siemens director in Greece, lately in German jail.
The Greek parliamentary politicians today (including the communist party) are just clowns, you are right. Clowns dealing with their European colleagues, Mrs Merkel, Mr Brown, Mr Sarkozi and the others who accept them as far as they are good possible buyers of military equipment (most of the time scrap and at double price or more), Porsche and Mercedes cars, Navy French Fregates, etc, at the detriment of us, the majority of Greek people, our children and grand-grand children. The deeper reason is quite simple: World is run by the creditors who are the Hedge Funds, not by the politicians ! The politicians are just the administrators of the debtors.
Despite the suggestions of all the financial analysts, the Greek Government representing a bureaucratic administration monster, is still today keeping alive thousands of unnecessary public services like the KOPAIS valley draining (a public work done already 100 years ago) and practically refuses to cut the unnecessary administration expenses, this way jeopardizing the Greek Nation's future.
How could we expect better by such politicians ?
These are the political parties of PASOK and ND who have created such administration-monster by employing unnecessarily people in the administration: 1 million on 10 million of population !
The rest of the European politicians tolerate them as long as they get commercial orders of equipments and materials.Attention Germans ! The corruption virus will strike the rest of Europe too with the responsibility of your own politicians ! The E.E. risks soon to become a balloon which will just explode.
5 Μαρτίου 2010
An open letter to Focus Magazine
Redaktion Focus magazine, Steinhauser Str. 1–3, 81677 München, Germany
email: redaktion@focus.de
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your several pages article about Greece with the Aphrodite' statue saluting you, I would like to contribute with some considerations that could enlighten the issue.
First of all, a reference should be made to the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotelis (or Aristotle in English) and his wise recommendation in free translation: Greek person is who got the Greek Education. We have in Greece today per example hundreds of thousands of economical refugees' children from Albania, Pakistan, Africa who got their education in Greek schools ,in Greek language and it is quite obvious that these children are Greeks also and even very often get high ranks in their schools here.
I underlined the language as it is the base of communication but also of reasoning: the language gives you the possibility of LOGOS, a very heavy ancient Greek word which by itself is a PHILOSOPHY. It is exactly the same today in modern Greek as most of the ancient Greek words. All the Greeks today who have a minimum of school education and without been linguistic specialists, we could read and understand the Christian Bible which in its original version, mentions that LOGOS HN O THEOS: Logos was the God himself !
Our Greek language is spoken for the last 2.500 years continuously, having got an evolution of course.
I personally got a French education also and have passed 4 years in France for my PHD in Toulouse Polytechnic Institute. I got a child, my son, in France and I feel French as much as Greek I could say.
Nevertheless, I can see that even the French language is far away from been as rich and with LOGOS possibilities as Greek language. I know other languages too, not as well, but I could realize it in those too, with the most shocking ''SKOLL'' in Norsk: ''CUP'' instead of ''EIS YGEIAN (to health)''.
All above is to answer your article's point of view that our DNA today has nothing to do with the ancient Greeks' DNA. Your above point of view is characteristic of people with a very low LOGOS level. And without LOGOS there is no logic of course: A magazine without LOGOS, this would be the decadence.
About our reserves in Gold which Adolf Hitler has stolen from Greece early in the 40s, Germany claim that today are not responsible for what the Nazi have done.
I would kindly remind you that Hitler was legally and freely elected in the 30s by the German people, the same people who in big majority was for his actions in the late 30s and continued to support him in the early 40s. Also when Hitler was staling the Greek Treasury Gold. As a simple minded and with my simple LOGOS, I understand that what Hitler was doing it was on behalf of the German people, on behalf of the reunited GERMANY today.
If with the end of the war Greece had their gold, probably the Greek army could have been much more efficient against the revolted ELAS army and the civil war could have been avoided.
So, I accuse Germany as a possible responsible of the 70.000 dead victims, hundreds of thousands wooden and suffered and a whole country underdevelopment even today.
You are right when you accuse the Greek administration today. I accuse them too.
Greece today is suffering from an administration-Monster: An occupation force. But, this is in great extent a result of the German actions who continued:
In 1990 there was a hidden coup d' etat in Greece when SIEMENS has ''arranged'' so the 3 political leaders supporting the Zolotas ecumenical government, choose the Siemens digital phone connections despite and against the Parliament voted decisions: a euro billions project.
Some time later during the Mitsotakis government Siemens bribed the PASOK opposition too who so has been able to get the elections in 1993.
By the way the Mitsotakis family are all great friends of Mr Christoforakos, the Siemens director in Greece, lately in German jail.
The Greek parliamentary politicians today (including the communist party) are just clowns, you are right. Clowns dealing with their European colleagues, Mrs Merkel, Mr Brown, Mr Sarkozi and the others who accept them since they are good possible buyers of military equipment (most of the time scrap and at double price or more), Porsche and Mercedes cars, Navy French Fregates, etc, at the detriment of us, the Greek people, our children and grand-grand children. And as I told you last night when I was unable to sleep thinking to your article: who is corrupting others, he is corrupted too.(*)
With my simple LOGOS I understand that by occupying our gold, Germany is still occupying us and our official name today should be SIEMENSLAND instead of GRIECHENLAND, with residents still speaking the Greek language, most of them able of Greek LOGOS too.
I would appreciate any comment from your part, after all you are the Boss !
Yours faithfully
Dr Ingr Georges Vamvacoussis
A humble subject of Siemensland